BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The 15th East African British School of Pathology UID:160 DESCRIPTION:The 15th East African British School of Pathology (EABSoP) will take place on 22-23 February 2024 in Arusha\, Tanzania. \n\nThe Annual School is sponsored by the BDIAP and hosted by the East African Division of the International Academy of Pathology (EADIAP). \n\nThe topic for 2024 is Histopathology of Infectious Diseases of the GI and Liver.\n\nInvited speakers on behalf of the BDIAP:\n\nProfessor Sebastian LucasDr Alberto GuagliaDr Ula MahadevaLocal Faculty:\n\nDr Ahmed KalebiDr Robert Lukande\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20240104T152400Z DTSTART:20240222T000000Z DTEND:20240223T000000Z LOCATION:Arusha, Tanzania END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR