BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BUSHPATH 2022 - Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Course UID:86 DESCRIPTION:BUSHPATH 2022 is the fifth didactic diagnostic surgical pathology meeting of its kind\, and is set against the majestic backdrop of the Pilanesberg National Park in the Northwest Province of South Africa. \n\nDue to the COVID19 pandemic\, this year the Bushpath course will be held as a hybrid meeting. Whilst in-person attendance is unfortunately already fully subscribed\, space is still available for attendance online. The virtual platform will include a livestream of all presentations\, subspeciality consultation sessions and registrars slide seminar\, with access to an electronic handout\, as well as on demand recordings of all sessions (for 1 month after the course).\n\nSpeakers include:\n\nGastrointestinal Pathology \nGregory Lauwers (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and University of South Florida\, USA)\nElizabeth Montgomery (University of Miami\, USA)\nTomas Slavik (Ampath Pathology Laboratories\, South Africa) \n \nUrogenital Pathology \nMahul Amin (University of Tennessee\, USA) \nAbrie van Wyk (University of Stellenbosch\, South Africa) \n \nPulmonary Pathology \nLynette Sholl (Harvard Medical School\, USA)\nPawel Schubert (University of Stellenbosch\, South Africa)\n \nBreast Pathology\nStuart Schnitt (Harvard Medical School\, USA)\nSimon Nayler (Gritzman & Thatcher Pathologists\, South Africa).\n \nVisit the BUSHPATH 2022 website for online registration and further details!\n\n DTSTAMP:20220202T160300Z DTSTART:20220303T160300Z DTEND:20220306T160300Z LOCATION:Hybrid END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR