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Annual Review Issue 2025

Haematolymphoid Malignancies: beyond the current classification

Annual Review Issue - Cover Image 

The cover image is based on the articles Closing the gap between biology and classification in splenic B-cell lymphomas by Piers Blombery et al., Diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: an overview of the current genomic classification, diagnostic approaches, and future directions by Wencke Walter et al.  and Dedicated diagnostic approaches for mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas occurring in children, adolescents, and young adults by Ana C Xavier et al.

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Latest Histopathology Journal -April 2025

Volume 86:5

Foreword from BDIAP President Dr Jan von der Thüsen

I would like to draw your attention to the obituary commemorating Professor Ray McMahon which has been published in Histopathology 86:5 this month.

This was written by his colleague, friend and fellow BDIAP Council member Professor Neil Shepherd, and paints a warm picture of his extraordinary achievements for pathology and his lovable character, for which he will be remembered by many. He is, and will be, sorely missed by the BDIAP/IAP community in particular, but also by our profession as a whole.

This month's Editor's Choice article is:

Is it time to acknowledge intramucosal colorectal carcinoma?

Authors: Elisa Vink-Börger, Nikki Knijn, Adriaan de Bruine, Jeroen Stavast, Rachel Sophia van der Post, Iris Nagtegaal.

For more information on how to submit an article in the Histopathology journal, visit the Wiley website.

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Journal Editor: Prof Dan Berney, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London

Former Editors:
R E Cotton 1977-85
R N M MacSween 1985-96
J C E Underwood 1996-2002
M Wells 2002-11
A D Burt 2012-18