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Congratulations to all those who have received and completed a bursary with the BDIAP. We hope you have enjoyed your project or conference and that you have learnt new skills which will, we trust, be transferrable skills that you take along with you as you continue with your practice.

One of the conditions of a BDIAP bursary is to write up a short report on the experiences you have encountered whilst undertaking the bursary. Below you will find report guidelines for each BDIAP bursary. 

The reports that we receive are very important to the BDIAP as they inform the membership of the bursaries that are awarded and the outcome of these awards.

If you have any general questions please contact the BDIAP Administrative team

If you require further guidance or direction with your report please contact Dr Paul Craig or Louisa Coulthurst by emailing

Please submit your report via your Application Status Page through the Documents tab.

We look forward to receiving your report!

Bursary Report Guidelines

GDIAP/BDIAP International Junior Academy Summer School 

The 15th Joint Meeting of the BDIAP and the Pathological Society of GB&I jointly with the Belgian Society of Pathology

Molecular Pathology and Approach to Cut-Up Study Days

 Joint BDIAP-ABP  Symposium on Breast Pathology

Student Electives 

Innovation Grants 

The XXXVth IAP Congress

USCAP bursary