The BDIAP organises a number of events that are specifically aimed at trainee histopathologists, and of course many of the other BDIAP events are suitable for trainees.
There is an annual course on specimen dissection which usually runs in March. More details are available on the study days web page.
The BDIAP Virtual workshop series is designed to connect histopathology trainees and consultants with world-renowned specialists through remotely delivered, interactive educational slide seminars.
Each session aims to be of direct relevance to daily diagnostic practice. Trainees and consultants have the chance to review and discuss expert-selected digital slide sets, with the opportunity to ask and answer questions.
There are dedicated Trainee sessions at the annual joint meeting of the Pathological Society and the BDIAP. The last meeting took place in Liverpool, UK on 27-29 June 2023. Further information including previous meeting material is available on the joint meeting website.