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Launched in 2018, BDIAP Foundation membership is open to junior doctors who are qualified but not yet in histopathology training, with the aim is to increase awareness of histopathology career opportunities and encourage speciality applications.

The benefits of this membership include:

  • FREE yearly membership
  • Opportunities to attend BDIAP events
  • Bursary opportunities (free registration at BDIAP meetings)
  • Events specifically for foundation members
  • Mentoring scheme to support foundation members to get taster opportunities, and offer careers and applications advice
  • Social media will alert members to suitable meetings and courses
  • Links to trainees and consultants who can offer taster days and career advice
  • Support and advice from BDIAP trainee councillors

If you are considering a career in histopathology, or even if you recognise the importance of knowing more about histopathology for your future specialty career, don’t hesitate to sign up! 

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the BDIAP Trainees Councillors

Join the BDIAP