The 15th International Junior Academy Summer School
The German, British & Hungarian Divisions welcomes you to the 15th International Junior Academy Summer School to be held in Bordeaux / France as an in-person event on 3-5 July 2025.
The International Junior Academy is particularly aimed at pathologists in training as well as for specialists for a re-entry. It provides a great opportunity to meet with experts and discuss selected topics in depth. In addition, you can meet colleagues from other countries and exchange ideas.
The event will take place in Bordeaux / France and limited to a maximum of 30 places so early application is advised.
View the programme for the 2025 Summer School here.
This event is administered by the German Division of the IAP.
BDIAP Bursaries to attend the Junior Academy
Apply for a BDIAP bursary to attend the 15th International Junior Academy Summer School.
Applications are open to attend in person. There are four in person bursaries available.
In person bursaries will consist of free registration, hotel accommodation and reasonable travel costs to attend the summer school.
All applications will be reviewed formally by the Innovation Subcommittee.
Successful recipients will be encouraged to present an interesting case on any of the school’s topics.
Am I eligible?
Applications are open to:
- BDIAP Member Country Trainee Members (UK, Ireland, Belgium, The Netherlands)
How do I apply?
Your membership record must be up to date.
- Complete an online application form.
- Your Clinical Lead/Head of Department/Laboratory Manager/Line Manager (“your referee”) must complete and submit the verification document.
Applications closed 23:59 GMT on Friday 21 March 2025.
Please note:
Only completed applications will be considered. Applications are considered complete once the online form has been submitted and the supporting verification document has been received.