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The Innovation Grants are for BDIAP Member Country Members and are intended to assist study in other departments of Histopathology /Molecular Pathology in the UK or overseas.

The purpose of the visit may include specialist professional development (e.g. attachment in a tertiary referral centre for a given subspecialty), learning specialist techniques, or participating in research activity. In addition to achieving a professional objective, the experience should also have benefits applicable for the recipient’s practice (e.g. learning a specialist technique in preparation for introduction of the technique in the recipient’s practice).

For example, if the applicant wished to specialise in soft tissue pathology a grant might be for a 2 month attachment to a specialist soft tissue hospital or department to work with an expert team, attend multidisciplinary meetings (tumour boards) and educational sessions, write up a case report or other research manuscript, and gain experience of the molecular pathology techniques and assessment of soft tissue tumours which otherwise are not available in their current training programme.

The BDIAP is offering a total of 10 Innovation Grants per year, up to £5,000 per grant.  

These grants are prestigious awards which will be awarded following detailed assessment of the application by the Innovation subcommittee of the BDIAP. The maximum value of each grant is £5,000.

Applications can be made at any time but must be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks before the proposed visit to allow time for the Innovation Subcommittee to assess the application.

The grants are directed at:

  1. Trainees in their final year of training from a BDIAP member country (Belgium, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and UK) or at stage D (as previously known in the UK), though applications from those in their final two years of training (Belgium, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and UK) or stage C (as previously known in the UK) who are post their part 1 FRCPath examination will be considered.
  2. Allied Scientists or Affiliates from a BDIAP member country (Belgium, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and UK) who wish to undertake an elective training placement or attachment to other departments.
  3. Consultants from a BDIAP member country (Belgium, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and UK) who wish to visit an institution to further develop subspecialist knowledge, learn specialist techniques or participate in research activity.

Am I eligible?

Applications are invited from:

  • BDIAP Member Country Trainee Members
  • BDIAP Member Country Allied Scientist and Affiliate Members 
  • BDIAP Member Country Ordinary Members 

Applicants must be a BDIAP Trainee, Allied Scientist, Affiliate or Ordinary Member from the UK, Belgium, Ireland or the Netherlands.  

How do I apply?

  1. Complete the online form below.
  2. Your head of department/employer must complete the reference form below and return this by email to Louisa Coulthurst. 

Applications must be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks before the proposed visit to allow time for the Innovation Subcommittee to assess the application.

Please note:

  • You will be asked to provide your IAP Reference Number when completing the online form. This can be found on the profile page of your Member Area.  
  • You will be asked to provide the contact details of your Head of Department/Employer when completing the online form. 
  • Only completed applications will be considered. Applications are considered complete once the online form has been submitted and a supporting reference form has been received.
  • It is not possible to save and return to the application form. 

Reference Form

Reference Form

Apply Online 

Conditions and Regulations for the Innovation Grant:

  1. BDIAP Innovation Grants are available for a period of study up to twelve months. It will be seen as an advantage if the grant is for an additional stipend and/or travel expenses to augment salary paid by the present employer.
  2. A maximum sum of £5,000 pounds sterling will be allocated to any one person but applications for smaller sums are welcomed.
  3. After its award, a grant must be taken up within the following twelve months.
  4. A member is not entitled to more than one BDIAP bursary in any two-year period.
  5. Retrospective applications cannot be assessed.
  6. Grant recipients are required to submit a short report following completion of the grant. We will provide awarded applicants a guideline of what to include. The report will be made available on the BDIAP website and circulated to BDIAP members via our e-newsletter.