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The British Division of the IAP is able to offer a limited number of Travel Bursaries to its Members.

The BDIAP is offering a total of five travel bursaries each year intended to support the cost of overseas travel undertaken by Member Country Members of the BDIAP, where the journey is one which may be expected to further the aims of the BDIAP.

The purpose of these Travel Bursaries is flexible, but they are particularly intended to support visits by members of the BDIAP to meetings of other IAP Divisions, especially where the member of the BDIAP is providing some input to the meeting, and especially if the IAP Division in question has relatively limited resources to support the cost of travel. This is regarded as a means by which the BDIAP will support training in pathology in less affluent parts of the world.

Am I eligible?

Applications are invited from:

  • BDIAP Member Country Ordinary Members (full) from the UK, Belgium, Ireland or the Netherlands
  • Applicants must be contributing to the meeting as an invited speaker, platform presenter (oral presentation) or poster presentation.

How do I apply?

  1. Your membership record must be up to date. 
  2. Complete an online application form.

Please follow the detailed instructions on how to apply via the link below. 

Apply Online

Applications can be made at any time but must be submitted a minimum of 6 weeks before the proposed visit to allow time for the Innovation Subcommittee to assess the application. Applications cannot be awarded retrospectively. 

Read how the Travel Bursary has benefited previous award recipients here.

If you have any questions please email Sam Kiely