Manchester Pathology 2021 - Day 2 Highlights
07 July 2021
(Last updated: 8 Jul 2021 17:23)
Day 2 of the Manchester Pathology 2021 Virtual Meeting continued today with a whole host of sessions and keynotes from leaders in the field of Pathology. Scroll down for day 2 highlights!
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All of Tuesday's session are now available on the platform on demand and will be available until 8 October 2021, so if you haven't already why not register now for access to all sessions on demand!
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PathSoc Sir Nicholas Wright Lecture
This prestigious named lecture was given by an up and coming pathology researcher Dr Sarah Aitken from Cambridge describing her exciting work on ‘Experimental models of liver cancer genome evolution’.
Dr Sarah Aitken is currently an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Histopathology at the University of Cambridge, and she will join the MRC Toxicology Unit (University of Cambridge) as a Group Leader in autumn 2021 to start her independent research group. Her current work focusses on the genetic and epigenetic basis of hepatocarcinogenesis, mechanisms of mutagenesis, and the consequences of genetic diversity on cancer evolution.
Plenary Session
The afternoon was dedicated to the plenary session featuring the top rated proffered submissions from researchers across the UK, Netherlands and France, from which the overall prize winner will be judged.
This engaging session featured a lively Q&A session with presenters taking questions from the audience about their ground-breaking research.
Scientific Sessions
Today's scientific sessions covered a range of topics including:
- Dermatopathology
- Early Cancer Diagnosis and Prevention
- Medical Kidney Disease and Renal Immunohistology
- Oral Free Papers - Gastrointestinal Pathology
- Oral Free Papers - Digital Pathology & Forefronts in Pathology
Day 3 Preview
Join us tomorrow from 08:45 for the final day of the Manchester Pathology Virtual Meeting. We have an excellent programme of sessions planned.
There will be parallel sessions in the morning covering a range of topics including breast cancer, liquid biopsies and exciting developments in medical pathology as well as the companion meeting hosted by the Association of Clinical Electron Microscopists (ACEM).
There will also be poster viewing and discussion during the breaks between formal talks as well as industry sponsored symposia, in which delegates will be able to catch up with new developments across pathology.
12:10 - 12:55
PathSoc Doniach Lecture
Professor Sarah Coupland from The University of Liverpool this year will deliver this year's PathSoc Doniach Lecture, discussing ‘The 'Seed and Soil' hypothesis and its relevance to eye cancer’.
The Doniach Lectureship and Award was founded in 2003 in honour of the late Professor Israel Doniach. The objective of the Doniach Award is to celebrate the life long contribution of a senior member of The Pathological Society to the science of pathology and to the scientific activity of The Pathological Society.
15:35 - 16:15
Getting your Research Published - A Wiley session with the Editors of Histopathology and The Journal of Pathology/The Journal of Pathology Clinical Research.
Getting your article published can be a tough job for researchers. This workshop will help you get there and give you an unparalleled insight into the publication processes from the editors of Histopathology, Prof. Daniel Berney, and The Journal of Pathology/The Journal of Pathology Clinical Research, Prof. C. Simon Herrington. There will be a live Q&A at the end of the session, where the panel will be available for questions.
10:15 - 10:45
Live Poster Q&A Sessions
Topics: Breast | Cardiovascular/Pulmonary |
Neuropathology/ Ophthalmic |
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