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Professor Ray McMahon

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Professor Ray McMahon has passed away after a brief illness.

He was a great ambassador for so many things in Pathology and was in line to become the next President of the Central IAP. In recognition of his contributions, we had recently established a Ray McMahon lecture as part of the BDIAP educational programme which will stand in his memory from hereon. Above all else he was just such a lovely personable friend and colleague.

Professor McMahon was Treasurer of the BDIAP 2007-2018 and President 2019-2020. He was awarded the Cunningham Medal in 2016 and the President’s Medal in 2024.

I wish you all strength in coming to terms with this loss, and I am at this particular point in time thinking especially of his wife and his family.

Jan von der Thüsen
BDIAP President

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