Exciting CME opportunities and considerably reduced registration fees for (Glasgow) 2020
The virtual congress will take place 6-8 December 2020
21 July 2020
(Last updated: 21 Jul 2020 09:04)
ESP and IAP have been redesigning and updating the congress schedule, including sessions on COVID-19 pathology, with significantly reduced registration fees, which allow the broadest possible audience to participate in the scientific programme.
The virtual congress will take place from 6 - 8 December 2020.
Registration fees have been lowered considerably (with further reductions for BDIAP members) and can be found on the congress website.
All existing registrations will be carried forward and refunds for balances will be processed automatically – there is no need for you to do anything.
Not yet registered?
Be part of the first virtual edition of a joint ESP/IAP Congress. Register online now.
Abstract authors
The payment deadline for your reduced registration fee remains 7 September 2020. All abstracts whose authors have registered by the deadline will be published in a supplement of Virchows Archiv.
CME Accreditation
An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME for accreditation of the ESP/IAP 2020 Virtual Congress.
CME credits per day are expected to be equivalent to previous congresses of the ESP. More detailed information will become available on the website prior to the congress.
Have any questions?
The congress FAQs should answer any immediate questions you may have. These will be updated on a regular basis.
You can also contact the congress organisers at esp-iap-2020@cpo-hanser.de.
Follow us on Twitter for the latest news about the upcoming virtual congress.
We appreciate your continued support for our efforts to protect the health and safety of everybody involved in the congress and we look forward to welcoming you to our virtual meeting in December 2020.
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