BDIAP bursaries to attend IAP 2024
The XXXV Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, IAP 2024, will take place in Cancun, Mexico hosted by the Mexican Division of the International Academy of Pathology.
The Congress will be taking place in person from 27-31 October 2024.
BDIAP bursaries are available to attend the Congress.
Bursaries are open to:
- BDIAP Trainee Members from the UK, Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
- BDIAP Affiliate and Allied Scientist Members from the UK, Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
- BDIAP Schools.
- Nermin Durakovic bursaries for Bosnian pathologists.
Please note: Abstract acceptance is a condition of the bursary for all applicants. Abstracts must be submitted via the IAP2024 Congress website. The abstract submission process is independent to the bursary administration process.
Please use the links below for more information about BDIAP bursaries, including eligibility criteria and instructions below on how to apply.
BDIAP Trainee / Allied Scientist Member
BDIAP Schools / Nermin Durakovic Bursaries
Bursary applications closed on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
Contact Details
If you have a question or require assistance with a bursary application, please use the contact details provided below.
BDIAP Trainee or Allied Scientist Bursary:
Please contact Louisa Coulthurst.
BDIAP Schools or Nermin Durakovic Bursary:
If you have any questions prior to applying please contact Sam Kiely.
Once your application is in process, please contact the Central IAP directly.