President's Newsletter
March 2025
27 March 2025
(Last updated: 27 Mar 2025 14:31)
I wish I could begin my first newsletter as incoming President on a more upbeat note, but it seems only fitting to start by paying tribute to the much-loved Professor Ray McMahon, who recently passed away.
He was a longstanding member of the BDIAP Council, within which he held various roles, including as President, and was also President Elect of the IAP. He was the embodiment of core BDIAP values, with a generosity of spirit, passion for education, and as a fountain of warm humanity.
He is, and will be, sorely missed by our community, but his legacy lives on, not least in the shape of the recently announced Ray McMahon Named Lecture. It was an honour for me to have been able to award Ray the much-deserved President’s Medal at the November Symposium in 2024.

Professor Ray McMahon receiving the President’s Medal, November 2024
This was a joint meeting with the Association of Breast Pathology. Many thanks to Professor Sarah Pinder and Dr Rahul Deb who were the programme organisers of this excellent symposium.
Recorded material from the event is now available to members in the BDIAP members area.
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BDIAP Council
In 2024 we have had a change in Officers, and I would like to thank Dr Kat Boros who finished her term as Councillor at the end of 2024.
Professor Simon Cross also finished two terms as Treasurer, and I would like thank him again for all the important work that he has done in keeping the finances of the society in good order, and would like to congratulate him on his Cunningham Medal, which was also awarded at the November Symposium.

Professor Simon Cross receiving the Cunningham’s Medal, November 2024
Professor Manuel Rodriguez-Justo also finished his term as Councillor and we are glad that he is succeeding Professor Simon Cross as Treasurer.
Dr Abhisek Ghosh finished his term as Trainees Councillor but we are lucky also to have been able to keep him on Council as the new Deputy Meetings Secretary. Dr Eaint Myint Moh has been appointed as the new Trainees Councillor.
Dr Anna Green and Professor Abeer Shaaban are the incoming Councillors.
And lastly, I am humbled to follow Professor Ian Roberts as your current President – many thanks Ian! And my succession has thankfully already been arranged, as we welcome Professor Sarah Pinder as President Elect.
View all Officers and Members of the Council
Past Meetings
In terms of other meetings, 2024/2025 has been very busy. The BDIAP was strongly represented at the IAP Congress which took place in October 2024 and hosted by the Mexican Division, and where Professor Ray McMahon was announced as President Elect for the IAP.
We funded a total of 19 bursaries for this meeting. Read the reports from IAP Congress bursary recipients.
We had another successful Molecular Pathology and Approach to Cut-Up Study Days on 3rd and 4th March 2025, which continues to draw interest from all member countries.
Our popular series of the Bitesize Virtual workshops was continued with the sessions ‘Approach to Liver Biopsy Diagnosis’ (provided by Dr Rachel Brown on 13th February 2025) and ‘Common Differential Diagnoses in Lymphoproliferative Pathology’ (given by Professor Stefan Dojcinov on 20th March 2025). Recordings from the previous Bitesize Virtual workshops are available to view in the BDIAP Members area.
View Bitesize Workshop Recordings
Upcoming Meetings
We are now on the home stretch for (and eagerly anticipating) Ghent Pathology 2025,
24th-26th June, which is jointly organised by The BDIAP, The Pathological Society and the Belgian Society of Pathology. Registration and bursary submission are now open.
Bursaries are available, and these are open to Trainees, Allied Scientists and BDIAP Schools who have submitted an abstract.
The deadline for bursary applications is 23:59 BST 31st March 2025
Apply for a Bursary for Ghent Pathology
Register for Ghent Pathology
The BDIAP will be hosting a Joint Symposia on Molecular Pathology and Skin, respectively, at the National Society meetings in the Netherlands (with the NVVP) on 10th April and in Ireland (with the ISSP) on 4th October 2025.

The BDIAP/GDIAP International Junior Academy Summer School is taking place 3rd -5th July 2025. Many thanks to Dr Ash Chandra who will be speaking at the meeting on behalf of the BDIAP. Registration closes on 4th May 2025.
Please also save the date for the upcoming BDIAP/BAUP Symposium on Urolological Pathology, which will be held in London 14th -15th November 2025. We would like to encourage all attendees to join us for a networking reception following the lectures on 14th November. Bursaries for this meeting will be made available.
View All BDIAP Meetings
BDIAP Schools
The BDIAP Schools have also been active. The Bryan Warren School of Pathology is scheduled to take place in Sarajevo in June 2025, with myself and Dr Michael den Bakker addressing various topics in Thoracic Pathology.
The Sri Lankan School, ICON 2024, took place 17-19 October 2024. The two days of this meeting focused on Lymphoma,Thyroid and Breast Pathology, delivered as six lectures and a slide seminar on each topic, by Professor Stefan Dojcinov, Dr David Poller and Professor Ian Ellis, respectively.
The BDIAP will again be represented in Colombo later this year to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the College of Pathologists of Sri Lanka, following the kind invitation by its current President, Professor Priyani Amarathunga.
Bursary opportunities currently open:
As you can see, we have a lot to look forward to in 2025, and I hope to see many of you
in person!
With warm wishes,
Dr Jan von der Thüsen
President (2025-2027)
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